Programme design: integrated rural DRR programme, North of Haiti

The first of two successful consultancy projects for the American Red Cross office in Haiti, the task here was to bring together the divergent perspectives of a range of technical specialists into a common strategy and an integrated programme.

In practice this meant facilitating a detailed response option analysis process within each technical sector, and ensuring that the various interventions were complimentary and that the critical path was clear.

Innovation: the Response Option Comparison Tool went through several iterations and developed over time into a fairly sophisticated spreadsheet – sadly, probably too complex to be used without guidance.  It is available on request.  Below, a screenshot of the sheet that sets the criteria on which the options are judged, allows weightings to be included, and provides the narrative description of the scoring options.


The consultancy ended with a workshop that included the field representatives and the HQ managers, and the project gained internal approval and was signed off during that process.

Categories: Deployment Facilitation Innovation
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