2017 – Team Leader – Konterra / WFP for a USD 20m 7 year DRR/CCA capacity building programme
Key evaluation themes: …
2017 – Team Leader – Konterra / WFP for a USD 20m 7 year DRR/CCA capacity building programme
Key evaluation themes: …
2017 – Facilitator – Habitat for Humanity GB
Role: Facilitate a gathering of urban experts to provide feedback on the first draft of the revised Sphere Standards
2017 – Facilitator – International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement
Role: My third and last time to facilitate the DMWG – this time in Helsinki.
2017 – Author for Sphere Project
Brief: consult, research and write a first draft Introduction for the Sphere Handbook 2018 revision, working with a wide range of thematic leads and technical experts.
2017 – Facilitator for IFRC through the British Red Cross.
Task: design a meeting programme to deliver a complex set of linked outputs with a diverse group of participants, and facilitate that meeting successfully.
2016 – Lead consultant for the Danish Red Cross on behalf of a DIPECHO consortium and a range of partners including the Government of Nepal.
Role: Design and facilitate national level simulation exercise.
2016 – Facilitator – International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement
Role: My second time to facilitate the DMWG – this time in Switzerland – with a strong focus on global surge response tools.
2016 – Revision of guidance for the Sphere Project
Role: Review and revise advanced draft guidance on the use of Sphere standards in work with National Disaster Management Agencies.
2016 – Researcher and writer – for the World Food Programme
Role: Produce guidance on urban programming for WFP, and feed into developing policy, ahead of the Habitat III summit.
2016 – Analyst and writer – for the Sphere Project
Task: Consider a range of factors influencing the next revision process and make recommendations to the Sphere management and Board.
2016 – Facilitator – for the RC Movement DMWG
Role: Facilitate three day meeting of senior international disaster managers
2015 – Author and researcher – for the Sphere Project
Task: Develop additional ‘unpacked’ guidance for the Sphere Project, this time exploring the use and adaptation of Sphere standards for humanitarian projects in urban environments.
2015 – Nepal Earthquake Recovery Advisor / Coordinator – for IFRC
Role: Provide technical advice and coordination support to Nepal Red Cross, develop the recovery plan and gain buy in from RC Movement partners. Facilitate Movement Wide partnership meeting.
2015 – Researcher, analyst and author for WFP
Main task: Identify the areas of coherence and the opportunities presented between school feeding, social protection, and cash and voucher programming. Write practical guidance for country offices.
Innovation: analytical framework for classifying school feeding programmes, subsequently used as a template for guidance.
2015-2016 – Sole consultant – for Oxfam and the food sector
Main tasks: undertake two research components and multi-agency technical support into cash-based emergency responses for INGOs working in Gaza.
Innovation: new participatory approach for exploring beneficiary preferences in detail
2014 – Author – for the Sphere Project
Main task: Write practical guidance on using the Sphere Handbook in evaluation of humanitarian action. Combine this with the previous guidance on Monitoring to produce a single volume.
2014 – Sole consultant – for WFP
Output: a proven methodology to count ‘tier two’ beneficiaries of WFP assets created through CFA, and guidelines for country offices and partners
2014 – Sole Consultant – for Oxfam GB, Gaza
Key evaluation themes: exploring the concept of a human over-ride to the PMTF used to target safety net beneficiaries; issues of inclusion and exclusion; lessons in credit and debt; challenges with the monitoring tools – and a specific focus on the coping strategy tools.
2014 – Sole consultant – Analysis and guidance for ICVA
Outputs: analysis of UN-NGO partnership agreement and production of guidance for NGO implementing partners.
2014 – Sole Consultant – for UNHCR
Key Questions: what value can UNV add in emergency operations; what is the appropriate balance of UNV and UNOPS within the workforce?
2013-14 – Sole consultant – for a consortium led by IFRC
Research and analysis: How can drought warning be better linked to flexible finance, contingency plans and resilience building?
2013 – Team Leader – for IFRC and the Pakistan RC
Tasks: Design of simulation materials; management of facilitation team; facilitation of 3 day event; lead lesson learning workshop and document.
2013 – Team Leader – for IFRC and Bangladesh Red Crescent
Task: Lead the team to undertake a detailed review of three linked cash transfer programme components for floods / landslide response. Facilitate a lesson learned worship for key stakeholders.
2013 – Designer, facilitator, and report author – for IFRC and CaLP
Key questions: what can be done by humanitarian agencies to better plan for swift, large-scale cash transfer programmes?
2012 – Sole consultant (coordinating and drawing on multiple linked sectoral reviews) for IFRC and Pakistan Red Crescent.
Key task: Undertake a substantial summative evaluation of relief and integrated recovery programmes after the 2010 floods
2013 – Author – for The Sphere Project.
Task: Development of practical guidance supporting better use of Sphere Standards in monitoring humanitarian programmes.
2013 – Sole Consultant – for American Red Cross
Key outputs: integrated programme framework, integrated implementation plan, geographical methodology.
2012 – Sole consultant – for Oxfam GB Gaza
Key areas of study: food security, economic and social impacts; and cost and effectiveness comparisons with food distributions